All day care Monday to Friday for working families 7:30am - 6:30pm for 51 weeks the year | 0208 673 3188


School Ethos
At Eveline Day School we pride ourselves on being a kind and caring school where the children are at the heart of everything we do. We value our staff and parents and we work in partnership to bring out the best in every child. We believe that when you feel valued, you are able to take risks in your learning and push boundaries. There is no ceiling on what can be achieved.
Our curriculum aims/intend to:
Give every child the knowledge, skills and passion to be the very best that they can be as learners and as global citizens;
Provide a broad and balanced education that accumulates knowledge and skills and is based on the National Curriculum but also extends beyond it;
Create a love for learning from the very beginning of school life;
Ensure equal access to learning for all pupils, with high expectations for every pupil and appropriate levels of challenge and support;
Support pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and actively promote fundamental British values and the Equality Act 2010;
Support pupils’ physical development and responsibility for their own health, and enable and encourage them to be active;
Support pupil’s mental health and emotional wellbeing through the training of pupils and school staff, by specialists in the field;
Equip pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life through an enriched curriculum;
Develop pupils’ independent learning skills and resilience, to equip them for further/higher education and employment;
Give pupils the confidence to take risks and to develop the belief that there is no ceiling on what can be achieved through effort and perseverance.