All day care Monday to Friday for working families 7:30am - 6:30pm for 51 weeks the year | 0208 673 3188


Pastoral Care
We pride ourselves on the high standards of additional care we provide for our students. OfSTED October 2017: The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is outstanding. This is due to the very effective way that leaders and teachers work together to create an environment where all pupils feel valued, supported and encouraged.
We are unique in that we provide additional hours either side of the school timetable. Children are able to start their day at 7.30am with a welcoming breakfast before beginning their lessons. A wholesome lunch is provided at midday and we offer a late afternoon tea. We employ a nutritionist who advises us on our carefully devised meal plans. We actively encourage healthy eating and there is a strong focus on wellbeing, both physical and emotional. Our adjacent Eveline Day Nursery, The Boulevard, allows us to care and educate children on one-site from 3 months to 11 years.
At the beginning and end of the day and at lunch times children have optional school activities and clubs. This enhances the children’s learning as they have the opportunity to trial a range of extra-curricular experiences.
The family ethos of the school means pupils enjoy coming to school and there is a real sense of bonding. The children are happy, well-behaved and kind to one another. Ofsted October 2017: The behaviour of pupils is outstanding. Pupils conduct themselves very well around the building. They are courteous and polite on stairwells, walk very carefully around the building and respect the learning environment provided for them.