All day care Monday to Friday for working families 7:30am - 6:30pm for 51 weeks the year | 0208 673 3188


At the Eveline day School we believe that it is important that all pupils develop an understanding of the role of ICT and Computer science and learn a range of transferable skills to prepare them for challenges that lie ahead.
We have a secure computer running in all of the classrooms with Internet Access. A specialist teacher gives weekly 45 minute to one hour lessons to students from Upper reception to 6. We have interactive whiteboards that are available for all of the children to use.
Digital cameras and camcorders are available for field trips and pictures taken can be downloaded to the network.
We have access to the latest technology, including IMacs, laptops and Ipads
Pupils will learn to use the latest word processing, emailing, spreadsheet and database packages and learn to create a multimedia presentation using text, images and sound. Pupils will also learn about animation and how to construct a Web page. They will be given the opportunity to learn about a variety of general topics, such as rules for working with ICT, saving and printing and respecting other pupils' work.
We introduce coding and programming from a very early stage in Upper reception using our Botley and Beebot models as well as other robots. We learn to direct with simple sequences of code to more complex algorithms on a variety of different platforms. Pupils are encouraged to design, organise, create and develop programs and models for their own and apply them to the world around us.
We encourage pupils to grow in their understanding and application of computational and digital technology. We have many tools in our ICT and Computer sciences lessons including Ipads, cameras, recorders, printers, microphones, magnifiers and robotic devices.
We aim to equip pupils with the ability to find, explore, analyse and present information using various software packages and online resources. Students are provided with opportunities to be creative, develop critical thinking skills, and undertake ICT projects independently. Communication and collaboration in teams with our peers is an additional skill to demonstrate as well.
E-safety is an essential part of our learning and ensuring application of our rules to keep all pupils safe at all time is key in our lessons. Pupils will have a practical guide to the issues surrounding online resources and how to deal with them appropriately. We learn throughout the year, using a variety of resources from videos to presentations to role play.