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Maths is a vital part of life at Eveline Day School. It is integrated into the daily programme of every year group with an hour of the teaching day dedicated to Maths lessons.
We aim for our pupils to enjoy mathematics; to become fluent in and have a secure, deep understanding of fundamental concepts and procedures when they leave us to go to secondary school. We want them to have the ability to recall and apply knowledge confidently and accurately. We encourage them to reason mathematically and solve problems by applying their knowledge to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication.
In Reception they begin with a firm grounding in basic concepts of number, shape and measure, taught through practical, interactive activities. They progress through Key Stage 1 to performing and recording calculations and collating and presenting data. Basic numeracy skills, such as times tables, are practised and consolidated in order to ensure that the more complex and challenging mathematical tasks undertaken in the Middle and Upper School are supported by a thorough understanding of number and swift recall of key number facts.
Eveline Day School has excellent mathematical resources and we also make good use of our interactive whiteboards and IT facilities in addition to a wide range of practical maths equipment. All pupils in Upper Key Stage 2 have access to BOFA online resources and we encourage the use of this at home as well as in school. By Year 6 we aim to equip pupils with the skills they need for success in 11+.
Our Maths Curriculum is based on the National Curriculum with enhancements to ensure every child is challenged. We feel our pupils leave Eveline Day School very well equipped for secondary level Maths and we are determined to instil a high level of confidence in, and enjoyment of Maths in all aspects of everyday life.